"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."- U.S. Army General George S. Patton & 1912 Olympian

Monday, August 25, 2008

2BCT Casing Ceremony

2nd BCT 4ID Casing Ceremony1-10 CAV 4ID 2BCT

LTC Benson Commander of 1-10 CAV & CSM Delgado

Casing the 1-10 CAV Flag 20Aug2008

Cpt McGrath Commander of Bravo Troop 1-10 CAV

Scott and Lisa's 12th Anniversary!!

Most couples go the roses and chocolate route, Scott and I went the Harley route! We had planned to attend this years Veterans Bike Rally and traveling "Wall" in Winter Park, CO. All was going according to plan, we dropped the kiddos off Friday night and packed for the 150 mile adventure. A little geography for you; Winter Park sits 4,000 feet higher then Colorado Springs - roughly giving you a elevation between 9,100 to 12,000 feet. Unfortunately, "Mother Nature" was giving us hail and rain at the start of our wonderful day. Like any good Military family, we altered our PLAN and went to breakfast instead. Around noon we received a call from another biker making the trip and a break in the weather. We decided to go with plan "A" and rode through the rain, hail, and snow!!

The most memorable Anniversary.....EVER!!

Backyard Campout

Instead of going away on a camping trip this past weekend, Scott pitched our tent in the backyard. The kids used their little Coleman lanterns & sleeping bags/pillows & we slept all snuggled up-even through a rain storm. Dad read campfire stories & we made yummy smores'!! And most of all, no interruptions from BEARS!!

Build-a Bear w/ Dad

Scott took the kiddo's to Build-a-Bear & they each got to pick out a special animal of their choice. Scott recorded a special message to be played from each childs animal. Marlena picked out a cheetah with a sassy lil outfit, Maximus picked out a turtle with it's own shell backpack & Maci selected a soft bear with cute little bows!!

A Family Trip to the Shooting Ranges!!

The kids were incredibly excited to get to go shooting with dad & his many Army buddies!! WE all got to shoot except for Maci (who we fought with to keep her ears covered). Mom & Dad won that fight! Marlena & Maximus both had excellent marksmanship!! WOO HOO!!

Back to School

Marlena & Maximus returned back to school on Thusday August 7th!! Marlena started 6th grade & joined the Cross Country Team at Fountain Fort Carson Middle School. She made student council and one of her favorite classes is her first period Leadership course!! Maximus earned a new nickname this past summer "Bug Whisperer"! Enough said. He loves first grade & is playing flag football!!