"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."- U.S. Army General George S. Patton & 1912 Olympian

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cheyenne Mountain Homeschool Connection Center

Yesterday was Maximus's second day/week attending the connection center. The first week he dissected a cow eyeball & this week the kids made their own recycled paper. He loves his music class, art & science the best!!

Maci's 1st day of Ballet Class

Maci was so excited about her ballet class today because she was able to wear her "tanktop dress", she didn't want anything to do with going to a class until I showed her the leotard I got for her!! Mind you she wouldn't wear the tights or real ballet shoes. She wore her slippers instead!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Snowshoeing on Monarch Mt

Saturday February 21st, Marlena & I shared a mother daughter day!! We went snowshoeing at Monarch Mountain. We hiked for 3 miles. 2,000 of those feet were snowshoeing up the mountain. We had the most perfect day, the sky was so blue & the sun was so warm. It was so great to escape from our everyday routine and have fun together!! We were joined with our friend Christy Allman- a fellow Bandit Wife- (her husband is pictured in the photos from Scott's & I Anniversary motorcycle ride to Winter Park this past August).

WOO HOO!!! We made it to the top!! Ft Carson sits at an Elevation of 5873 feet. For our snowshoe hike we started out around 9,300 feet. Yes there were times I was huffing & puffing!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine Party at home

So... I know I'm a week late, but last weekend Maximus wanted a Valentine Party at home & he & Maci helped with our red velvet cake & heart shaped juice cubes for the punch. The kids loved the punch & I told them "a party isn't a party unless there's punch"!! We had a fun Valenitnes Day at home watching movies & playing games: trouble, hi ho cherrio & candyland!

Valentine's Day 2009

We woke up to a snowy icy winter morning.... the trees looked as if they were all dipped in white!!

Coined by 2 Star Major General Hammond

WOO HOO!! I have a coin higher than Scott!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scott McGrath & Lisa Guerra 18 years ago

It was 18 years ago that I asked Scott to the Valentine Turn About Dance our freshman year of High School!! WOW.... time sure does fly by. I'm so glad he said YES!!!

Monster Truck Show at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO

Saturday Feb 7th we drove up to denver to have a slumber party with the Anderson's! The boys Garrett & Maximus took a train to the Pepsi center for the Monster Truck Show. The girls, Sarah & I stayed home & soaked in the hot tub, drank our cocktails & had a girls movie night!! It was nice to get away for a day.
Waiting for the train to go downtown to the Pepsi center for the Monster Truck Show!!

Maximus's favorite truck was "Grave Digger"!!

Garrett spoiled Maximus with some yummy cotton candy & a miniture Hot Wheels Grave digger Monster Truck!! It's been two days since the show & he's still obsessed about playing with it!!

Camouflage Kids: Support Through Sports

On Saturday Jan. 31st We were joined with 20 other military families on a coach bus ride from ft Carson to the Air Force academy for a basketball game. The event was all about the kids really "Camouflage Kids" that is. The Air force sponsored the program (our transportation, admission tickets & $10 food voucher for each child & parent). The Parr Family also attended & I had traded off Maci for two Stephenson kiddo's Ben & Julia. The kids also recieved drawstring backpacks filled with coupons, a foam hand & AF t-shirts!!
We've arrived at the Academy!! Let the fun begin!
left to right: Ben, Maximus, Jon, Alissia, Marlena & Julia

The kids right before they went on parade on the court. Maximus & Ben both reminded me that we were Army & asked WHY they had to wear the AF shirts.

Army vs. Air Force Hockey Game

On Saturday January 24th, we were joined with Teresa & son Shad Kelley & Garrett & Sarah Anderson to attend this fun filled hockey game at the Air Force Academy!!

Marlena Principal's Honor Roll 3.67 GPA

The BUG Award (Bringing Up Grades) in Math she went from a low B to a high B!